WHOIS Configuration

Versi Bahasa Indonesia


The following are the steps to configure WHOIS in WHMCS version 6.~:

  1.  In WHMCS, WHOIS configuration file is located at [WHMCSROOT]/includes/whoisservers.php.
  2. Add this rows of code :
.co.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.web.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.ac.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.or.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.sch.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.my.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.biz.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar
.id|http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=|HTTPREQUEST-Domain Belum Terdaftar

After that,  input the WHMCS primary server IP into reseller configuration :

  1. Login to reseller panel, and then go to Configuration – General menu.
  2. Choose API tab menu, then input WHMCS IP Address and WHMCS URL into provided column.


The following are the steps to configure WHOIS in WHMCS version 7.~:

  1.  In WHMCS, WHOIS configuration file is located at [WHMCSROOT]/resources/domains/dist.whois.json.
  2. Add .ID domain extension to this row of code :
        "extensions": ".id,.co.id,.desa.id,.web.id,.ac.id,.or.id,.sch.id,.my.id,.biz.id",
        "uri": "http://whois.srs-x.com/domain?domain=",
        "available": "Domain Belum Terdaftar"