
Versi Bahasa Indonesia

The following are the steps to configure Module Registrar :

  1. Extract file. There are two directories in this file, namely domainid and templates.
  2. Copy the directory domainid to [WHMCSROOT]/modules/addons. Make sure the location of domainid.phphooks.php, and trigger.php is located in [WHMCSROOT]/modules/addons/domainid/.
  3. Copy the directory templates to [WHMCSROOT]/templates/. Make sure .tpl file location is in directory that another WHMCS templates is located.
  4. Copy contactdomain.php into directory [WHMCSROOT]/.
  5. Copy domainiddns.php into directory [WHMCSROOT]/.
  6. Especially for portal template users, open file portal_update_style.css that provided in packet. Copy the content of this file into file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/portal/style.css.
  7. Login to WHMCS admin panel, go to Setup – Addon Modules menu. In this addons configuration, if previous steps did successfully, you will see module SRS-X Domain .ID Addons. Then, click Activate button. 1 addons-moduleconfig
  8. Click Configure button to configure the addons, input your reseller Username, Password, and URL2 addons-moduleconfig1
  9. Now, configure the domain that will use Auto Provisioning by giving a tick in this provided checkbox. 3 addons-moduleconfig2
  10. If you would adding email when processing .ID domain order, you can create email template in WHMCS, then options will be shown as dropdown automatically. 4 addons-moduleconfig3
  11. After finishing the configuration, click Save Change button.
  12. Modify template clientareadomaindetails.tpl in template that you will used. For example, you would use default template, the location of the file is in [WHMCSROOT]/templates/default/clientareadomaindetails.tpl. Do the following modification :

Add a Tab for Uploading Document in Client panel

<div id="tabs">
        <li id="tab1nav"><a href="#tab1">{$LANG.information}</a></li>
        <li id="tab2nav"><a href="#tab2">{$LANG.domainsautorenew}</a></li>
        <!-- lines added -->
        {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" }
        {if $hook_domainid_status}<li><a id="hookaddonsdomainid" href="#domainid">Status Domain .ID</a></li>{/if}
        <!-- lines added -->
        {if $rawstatus == "active"}<li id="tab3nav"><a href="#tab3">{$LANG.domainnameservers}</a></li>{/if}
        {if $lockstatus}{if $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq ""}<li id="tab4nav"><a href="#tab4">{$LANG.domainregistrarlock}</a></li>{/if}{/if}
        {if $releasedomain}<li id="tab5nav"><a href="#tab5">{$LANG.domainrelease}</a></li>{/if}
        {if $addonscount}<li id="tab6nav"><a href="#tab6">{$LANG.clientareahostingaddons}</a></li>{/if}
        {if $managecontacts || $registerns || $dnsmanagement || $emailforwarding || $getepp}
        <li><a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">{$LANG.domainmanagementtools}&nbsp;<b></b></a>
                {if $managecontacts}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if}
                {if $registerns}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainregisterns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domainregisterns}</a></li>{/if}
                {if $dnsmanagement}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a></li>{/if}
                {if $emailforwarding}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainemailforwarding&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanageemailfwds}</a></li>{/if}
                {if $getepp}<li></li>
                <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaingetepp&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaingeteppcode}</a></li>{/if}
                {if $registrarcustombuttons}<li></li>
                {foreach from=$registrarcustombuttons key=label item=command}
                <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindetails&amp;id={$domainid}&amp;modop=custom&amp;a={$command}">{$label}</a></li>

Fill Upload Document Tab

                <br />
                <br />
                <br />
                <br />

<!-- lines added -->
<div id="domainid">
<!-- lines added -->

<div data-toggle="tab" id="tab3">
                <form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action=domaindetails">
                    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$domainid}" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="sub" value="savens" />
                        <label><input type="radio" name="nschoice" value="default" onclick="disableFields('domnsinputs',true)"{if $defaultns} checked{/if} /> {$LANG.nschoicedefault}</label>
                        <label><input type="radio" name="nschoice" value="custom" onclick="disableFields('domnsinputs','')"{if !$defaultns} checked{/if} /> {$LANG.nschoicecustom}</label>
                    <br />

Contact Management Menu

<div id="tabs">
        <li id="tab1nav"><a href="#tab1">{$LANG.information}</a></li>
        <li id="tab2nav"><a href="#tab2">{$LANG.domainsautorenew}</a></li>
        {if $rawstatus == "active"}<li id="tab3nav"><a href="#tab3">{$LANG.domainnameservers}</a></li>{/if}
        {if $lockstatus}{if $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq ""}<li id="tab4nav"><a href="#tab4">{$LANG.domainregistrarlock}</a></li>{/if}{/if}
        {if $releasedomain}<li id="tab5nav"><a href="#tab5">{$LANG.domainrelease}</a></li>{/if}
        {if $addonscount}<li id="tab6nav"><a href="#tab6">{$LANG.clientareahostingaddons}</a></li>{/if}
        {if $managecontacts || $registerns || $dnsmanagement || $emailforwarding || $getepp}
        <li><a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">{$LANG.domainmanagementtools}&nbsp;<b></b></a>
            <!-- lines added -->
            {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" }
                {if $managecontacts}<li><a href="contactdomain.php?action=domaincontacts&amp;domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if}
                {if $managecontacts}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if}
            <!-- lines added -->
            {if $registerns}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainregisterns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domainregisterns}</a></li>{/if}
            {if $dnsmanagement}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindns&domainid={$domainid}"&gt;{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a></li>{/if}
            {if $emailforwarding}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainemailforwarding&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanageemailfwds}</a></li>{/if}
            {if $getepp}<li></li>
            <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaingetepp&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaingeteppcode}</a></li>{/if}
            {if $registrarcustombuttons}<li></li>
            {foreach from=$registrarcustombuttons key=label item=command}
            <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindetails&amp;id={$domainid}&amp;modop=custom&amp;a={$command}">{$label}</a></li>

ATTENTION : If you currently using another addons to make document management (especially for TLD domain), set the link for this following code to contact management addons that you use.

{if $managecontacts}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if}

DNS Management Menu (Portal Template)

Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/portal/header.tpl, add this following line of code just before “</head>” tag :

<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/{$template}/js/domainiddns.js"></script>

Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/portal/clientareadomaindetails.tpl, then update it by insert this following lines of code :

{if $dnsmanagement}
    <!-- lines added -->
    {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" }
    <form method="post" action="domainiddns.php?action=managednszone&domain={$domain}&domainid={$domainid}">
    <form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action=domaindns">
    <!-- lines added -->
        <input type="hidden" name="domainid" value="{$domainid}">
        <p align="center">
            <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.domaindnsmanagement}">

DNS Management Menu (Default Template)

Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/default/header.tpl, add this following line of code just before “</head>” tag :

<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/{$template}/js/domainiddns.js"></script>

Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/default/clientareadomaindetails.tpl, then update it by insert this following lines of code :

{if $dnsmanagement}
    <!-- lines added -->
    {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" }
        <a href="domainiddns.php?action=managednszone&domain={$domain}&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a>
    <!-- lines added -->
        <a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a>
    <!-- lines added -->
    <!-- lines added -->