The following are the steps to configure Module Registrar :
- Extract file. There are two directories in this file, namely domainid and templates.
- Copy the directory domainid to [WHMCSROOT]/modules/addons. Make sure the location of domainid.php, hooks.php, and trigger.php is located in [WHMCSROOT]/modules/addons/domainid/.
- Copy the directory templates to [WHMCSROOT]/templates/. Make sure .tpl file location is in directory that another WHMCS templates is located.
- Copy contactdomain.php into directory [WHMCSROOT]/.
- Copy domainiddns.php into directory [WHMCSROOT]/.
- Especially for portal template users, open file portal_update_style.css that provided in packet. Copy the content of this file into file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/portal/style.css.
- Login to WHMCS admin panel, go to Setup – Addon Modules menu. In this addons configuration, if previous steps did successfully, you will see module SRS-X Domain .ID Addons. Then, click Activate button.
- Click Configure button to configure the addons, input your reseller Username, Password, and URL.
- Now, configure the domain that will use Auto Provisioning by giving a tick in this provided checkbox.
- If you would adding email when processing .ID domain order, you can create email template in WHMCS, then options will be shown as dropdown automatically.
- After finishing the configuration, click Save Change button.
- Modify template clientareadomaindetails.tpl in template that you will used. For example, you would use default template, the location of the file is in [WHMCSROOT]/templates/default/clientareadomaindetails.tpl. Do the following modification :
Add a Tab for Uploading Document in Client panel
<div id="tabs"> <ul> <li id="tab1nav"><a href="#tab1">{$LANG.information}</a></li> <li id="tab2nav"><a href="#tab2">{$LANG.domainsautorenew}</a></li> <!-- lines added --> {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" } {if $hook_domainid_status}<li><a id="hookaddonsdomainid" href="#domainid">Status Domain .ID</a></li>{/if} {/if} <!-- lines added --> {if $rawstatus == "active"}<li id="tab3nav"><a href="#tab3">{$LANG.domainnameservers}</a></li>{/if} {if $lockstatus}{if $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq ""}<li id="tab4nav"><a href="#tab4">{$LANG.domainregistrarlock}</a></li>{/if}{/if} {if $releasedomain}<li id="tab5nav"><a href="#tab5">{$LANG.domainrelease}</a></li>{/if} {if $addonscount}<li id="tab6nav"><a href="#tab6">{$LANG.clientareahostingaddons}</a></li>{/if} {if $managecontacts || $registerns || $dnsmanagement || $emailforwarding || $getepp} <li><a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">{$LANG.domainmanagementtools} <b></b></a> <ul> {if $managecontacts}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if} {if $registerns}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainregisterns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domainregisterns}</a></li>{/if} {if $dnsmanagement}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a></li>{/if} {if $emailforwarding}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainemailforwarding&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanageemailfwds}</a></li>{/if} {if $getepp}<li></li> <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaingetepp&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaingeteppcode}</a></li>{/if} {if $registrarcustombuttons}<li></li> {foreach from=$registrarcustombuttons key=label item=command} <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindetails&id={$domainid}&modop=custom&a={$command}">{$label}</a></li> {/foreach}{/if} </ul> </li> {/if} </ul> </div>
Fill Upload Document Tab
<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- lines added --> <div id="domainid"> {$hook_domainid_content} </div> <!-- lines added --> <div data-toggle="tab" id="tab3"> <div> <div> <div> <div><h2>{$LANG.domainnameservers}</h2></div> <p>{$LANG.domainnsexp}</p> </div> </div> <div> <div> <form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action=domaindetails"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$domainid}" /> <input type="hidden" name="sub" value="savens" /> <p> <label><input type="radio" name="nschoice" value="default" onclick="disableFields('domnsinputs',true)"{if $defaultns} checked{/if} /> {$LANG.nschoicedefault}</label> <label><input type="radio" name="nschoice" value="custom" onclick="disableFields('domnsinputs','')"{if !$defaultns} checked{/if} /> {$LANG.nschoicecustom}</label> </p> <br />
Contact Management Menu
<div id="tabs"> <ul> <li id="tab1nav"><a href="#tab1">{$LANG.information}</a></li> <li id="tab2nav"><a href="#tab2">{$LANG.domainsautorenew}</a></li> {if $rawstatus == "active"}<li id="tab3nav"><a href="#tab3">{$LANG.domainnameservers}</a></li>{/if} {if $lockstatus}{if $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq "" && $tld neq ""}<li id="tab4nav"><a href="#tab4">{$LANG.domainregistrarlock}</a></li>{/if}{/if} {if $releasedomain}<li id="tab5nav"><a href="#tab5">{$LANG.domainrelease}</a></li>{/if} {if $addonscount}<li id="tab6nav"><a href="#tab6">{$LANG.clientareahostingaddons}</a></li>{/if} {if $managecontacts || $registerns || $dnsmanagement || $emailforwarding || $getepp} <li><a data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">{$LANG.domainmanagementtools} <b></b></a> <ul> <!-- lines added --> {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" } {if $managecontacts}<li><a href="contactdomain.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if} {else} {if $managecontacts}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if} {/if} <!-- lines added --> {if $registerns}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainregisterns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domainregisterns}</a></li>{/if} {if $dnsmanagement}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a></li>{/if} {if $emailforwarding}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domainemailforwarding&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanageemailfwds}</a></li>{/if} {if $getepp}<li></li> <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaingetepp&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaingeteppcode}</a></li>{/if} {if $registrarcustombuttons}<li></li> {foreach from=$registrarcustombuttons key=label item=command} <li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindetails&id={$domainid}&modop=custom&a={$command}">{$label}</a></li> {/foreach}{/if} </ul> </li> {/if} </ul> </div>
ATTENTION : If you currently using another addons to make document management (especially for TLD domain), set the link for this following code to contact management addons that you use.
{if $managecontacts}<li><a href="clientarea.php?action=domaincontacts&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.domaincontactinfo}</a></li>{/if}
DNS Management Menu (Portal Template)
Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/portal/header.tpl, add this following line of code just before “<
” tag :
<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/{$template}/js/domainiddns.js"></script>
Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/portal/clientareadomaindetails.tpl, then update it by insert this following lines of code :
{if $dnsmanagement} <td> <!-- lines added --> {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" } <form method="post" action="domainiddns.php?action=managednszone&domain={$domain}&domainid={$domainid}"> {else} <form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action=domaindns"> {/if} <!-- lines added --> <input type="hidden" name="domainid" value="{$domainid}"> <p align="center"> <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.domaindnsmanagement}"> </p> </form> </td> {/if}
DNS Management Menu (Default Template)
Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/default/header.tpl, add this following line of code just before “<
” tag :
<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/{$template}/js/domainiddns.js"></script>
Open file [WHMCSROOT]/templates/default/clientareadomaindetails.tpl, then update it by insert this following lines of code :
{if $dnsmanagement} <!-- lines added --> {if $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" || $tld eq "" } <li> <a href="domainiddns.php?action=managednszone&domain={$domain}&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a> </li> {else} <!-- lines added --> <li> <a href="clientarea.php?action=domaindns&domainid={$domainid}">{$LANG.clientareadomainmanagedns}</a> </li> <!-- lines added --> {/if} <!-- lines added --> {/if}