SSO Configuration

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

These are the steps to configure SSO (Single Sign On) from your Social Media Account to SRS-X Account :

  1. Go to Profile page and Preferences tab. Click a social media button to start associating your account. 1
  2. You will be redirected to your social media authentication page to allowing some permissions. If you are agree, then click the allow button. 2
  3. If your registered social media email address is same with your SRS-X email address, then your account associated successfully. But if your email address is different with your SRS-X email address, then it will be failed to associate. 3
  4. After you have associated your account, the button in Preferences page will be changed to disabled button and new Unassociated button will be displayed. This button is used to revoke your social media account in our SRS-X system.
  5. Finish.