The following are the steps to top up reseller deposit :
- Go to Add Funds page by click Billing & Invoices – Add Fund – Generate Funding Invoice menu.
- There are some method to adding the funds, choose the one which you have the bank account. You can add funds in IDR or USD kurs.
- Input the amount of the fund.
- The invoice will be created and you must pay it before you confirm that you already paid the invoice.
- After you paid the invoice, you must confirm to speed up the depositing process. You can click Confirm Payment button in the invoice page, or you can go to Billing & Invoices – Add Fund – Pay / Confirm Payment menu and click Pay button in your invoice row.
- Input the Source Bank according to the bank that you used to pay, Sender Account Number according your bank account number, Sender Name according to your bank account name, Transaction Date according the date of your payment, Amount according to the amount that you transfer to us, and click Choose file button to upload the receipt note of your payment. Last, click Submit button to confirming your deposit payment.
- For checking your invoice status, go to Billing & Invoices – Add Fund – Pay / Confirm Payment menu.
If the Payment Status still unpaid and there is a Pending Confirmation label, you just have to wait until the Payment Status change to paid.
- Finish.