Reseller Restriction Settings

Versi Bahasa Indonesia


This feature is to manage log-in restriction pattern to your reseller panel. There are three different restriction type :

  1. Strict. Just a few IP address allowed to access your reseller panel.
  2. Moderate. IP address that exclude in whitelist allowed to log-in, but must through the two step verification that will be sent to user email address.
  3. None. Anyone can log-in to your reseller panel without IP limitation.


The following are the steps to configure the reseller restriction :

  1. Just click the link contained in that alert, or via Configuration – General menus. 7. restriction url - config
  2. After being directed to general configuration page, choose Reseller URL menu tab.
  3. In Registration Options, choose IP Restriction according to your need. 8. restriction url - config restriction
  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Finish.