Order Limited Domain

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

The following are the steps for ordering limited domain:

  1. On the Reseller Dashboard page, click .ID Premium button.
  2. Input the domain name which have two characters minimum and four characters maximum. Then click Check Domain button.
  3. If your domain name is available, click Next button.
  4. Input your customer username or email address and click Submit button if your customer is registered under your reseller account. But click Register New Customer if your customer is not registered yet.
  5. Then, check again your customer WHOIS contact information. You can edit the information if there are any mistakes. Click Continue button if the information is already correct.
  6. Configure the domain nameservers, then click Continue button to continue.
  7. If there are extra parameters asked, upload the asked document and click Continue button.
  8. Because limited domain is cc-TLD of Indonesia, you have to read the registration agreement correctly. If you agree the registration agreement, give a check sign on the I agree with this agreement check box. Then click Continue button.
  9. The last step is order summary. You can choose payment options to give your customer an invoice. Then click Place My Order button to finish the order.
    NB: You can skip your customer invoice payment by give a check sign on Skip Invoice Payment check box.
  10. Finish.