Upload document is required if the domain status is awaiting document. This status will be existing if you have finished the payment but you don’t uploading a document yet.
The following are the steps to upload the documents :
- Go to Domain Details page.
- Make sure the domain Status is awaiting document.
- See at Others section, there are two button, that are Documents and Notification. Click the Document button to begin the uploading process.
- And that will be show you a popup that contains a list of required document type and it status. Add the required document by clicking plus button.
- After that you will be redirected to Document Management popup. To add a new document, input the Document Name and click Choose File button to browse and choose the document file. You can upload your ID Card, Driving License, or Passport. The document can be formatted in image (.jpg, .png, etc.) and or portable document format (.pdf). To processing the upload, click Upload Document button.
- If the success message is shown, your document upload is successfully. And then click Close button. You can upload a supporting documents such as Brand, Trademark, Point of Attorney (POA), or Statement.
- If you have done with uploading the document, status will be become to verifying. You must wait until your document is validated by our team.
- Finish
In Domain Management, you can add multiple documents for each document type required for the domain registration. Click Use This File button to add existing document that you’ve uploaded previously. You can also upload a new document then add it.